Our Story

We feel we have some helpful stuff to share about our story and decided we would put it out there. The idea for SilverSojourner.com at first was to document our travels across the country in Miette’s newly acquired vintage Airstream from Make-A-Wish. Then we realized we could also document our experiences with childhood cancer and everything that revolves around treating the disease from a physical standpoint. Our daughter was 5 years old when she was diagnosed with soft tissue Ewings Sarcoma in February of 2012.  She endured 6 months of chemotherapy (and the side effects that come with it), 4 surgeries, a painful bone biopsy, hundreds of needle pokes, dozens of radiology scans and 32 nights in the hospital. According to our readings, she actually had it pretty good compared to other children with cancer. She was declared NED (No Evidence of Disease) in November of 2012.

Mostly this website will focus around medical care (both naturopathic and allopathic together, otherwise known as CAM – complimentary and alternative medicine) and nutrition, in addition to methods of natural living in general. There will be complaints about the allopathic medical establishment on this site. Multiple complaints. But to be fair, one thing we learned is that ALL medical establishments (natural and mainstream) make a LOT of money off cancer.

There will also be a lot of references to coffee and espresso. This is for a reason: coffee and espresso is just plain awesome. Every website should have a section devoted towards coffee and espresso.

We are not experts, we are not doctors, we are not licensed in anything. However, we did go to school for this. We “graduated from the School of Hard Knocks and our school colors were black and blue, baby”. We are professional parents, trying to find the best ways possible for our family to eat, breath and live. We know there are parents out there who are just settling down from learning their child has cancer. They are just now digesting the “5 year survival rates” for their precious little one. They are beginning their daunting task of preparing for a life that will be vastly different than anything they ever imagined. It’s a road no one wants to go down but when faced with it, they really have no other choice but to face the monster head on. It’s daunting to say the least. We hope our experiences, our mistakes, our successes and even simple stories will help those who ask, “what did other parents do?”.

Well, here’s what we did. Here’s what we learned. We hope it helps.

By the way (that means P.S.): You can help support this website by shopping at Amazon through the advertisement links we have. We think ads make a nice looking website look trashy so we have tried to minimize the amount of ads. Thanks!


DISCLAIMER: The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only. The purpose of this website is to help explain our experiences and our knowledge gained of various health topics. It is not intended to be used for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.