The latest travels have Miette’s Silver Eagle Airstream working its way up to Mt. Vernon, Washington, to get squeeeeezed into the Skagit County Fair. I mean it, literally squeezed in between other white box trailers with a few grass blades to spare. Miette and Indy were entering their guinea pigs into the fair with the 4-H group up there. Yes, we did say “Miette” is entering her guinea pig. On the way to Mt. Vernon, Miette acquired a very young guinea pig and immediately named her Tina Turner 2 (pronounced not as “the second” but as “Tina Turner Two”). Miette describes her as “so fluffy!!”.
For this Airstream, as the Silver Eagle, this was the maiden voyage over the steep hills between Yakima and Ellensburg, up the Kittitas valley, over Snoqualmie Pass and the beautiful Cascade Mountains, through the headaches of I-405 and the Seattle suburbs and up I-5… all with Lisa at the wheel!

Unfortunately, the trip hasn’t been without technical difficulties with the Airstream. There is some electrical issue that is being difficult to nail down so sometimes the fridge works, sometimes it doesn’t. No lights and no 12-volt circuits. There will be some heavy “influencing” directed towards the Airstream upon its arrival back at the house to get it to stop misbehaving. Wires, fuses, lights, appliances, batteries, inverters… you are ALL on notice: I have screw drivers, wire cutters, pliers, a hammer, a shovel, a golf club and a bad attitude towards electrical problems. I expect full cooperation from all components in the guts of said Airstream. Testify against and confess what the problem object is and you will be spared.

The Silver Eagle is not alone at the Skagit County Fair. The Cocheba’s and their Airstream that started all this (“all this” meaning Miette’s desire for an Airstream) was also parked across the gravel road from the Silver Eagle. Is the Silver Eagle jealous and thus throwing an electrical fit? Possible. I would think Airstreams are relieved to see one of its kind in the same vicinity. Like two comedians finding each other in a sea of serious smart people engaged in large technical worded conversations without a hint of a sense of humor. But then again, Airstreams aren’t people, have no eyes, brains or senses (besides water tank sensors) and so the idea of a “jealous Airstream” is utterly ridiculous. Let’s move on.
So it looks like there will need to be some research in how to properly wire a battery, an inverter and a 12 volt circuit board. It will need to be done quickly since the Silver Eagle will be making it’s way up to Sun Lakes, Washington later in the month for its next travel adventure.
Lisa might post an update on how the showings went a bit later so stay tuned.