Miette’s Airstream has sat in the driveway for a few months now since its been winterized for the cold weather. It’s very difficult to not notice a big bright shiney reminder of what our family went through in 2012. It helps us not take for granted the things that we overlooked before. I’m not going to say its an everyday slap in the face, but its tough not to notice that we have to be careful when pulling into the driveway to avoid running into “Miette’s Airstream”. Miette likes to camp out in it every once in a while so it’s still getting used while hibernating 🙂

Spring is just around the corner and we are getting anxious to hook up the Silver Eagle and get out of the cold gray weather! No plans yet but I’m sure we can throw something together at any moment. In the mean time we changed the look of the website and also posted another video of Miette. Blue Bunny Ice Cream was a sponsor of Miette’s Make-A-Wish event and did their own video of her special day (Make-A-Wish did a video of it as well and can been seen here).
That’s all for now.